Oil paintings

For many years Buss made sure he had pictures in the Spring Exhibition at the Royal Academy--which was an artist's showcase for prospective clients. Like many other leading artists he also exhibited at the British Institution and the famous Suffolk Street Gallery. A number of his oils were so popular that they were engraved and printed for a wider audience. At present we only have a meagre selection of images of Buss' oils.

Dr Henry Buss

The Drumhead Court Martial

The Stingy Traveller

The Mock Mayor of Newcastle

The Auction

The Crowd

Delaying Papa

Charles I

A Fireside Scene

Unwelcome Attention

The Marriage Contract

Soliciting a Vote

A Fireside Scene


DESCRIPTION: This piece was literally found in the loft, cleaned and restored along with the picture of Charles I. The gentleman is seated in a chair recognizable from several other Buss paintings which, in course of time, came to be in my grandparents house in Cirencester, Glos. I've sat in it myself! The Gentleman has his finger raised in the "Jesus teaching" position. His wife fillis his long-stemmed clay pipe. The wet-nurse feeds the child by the open fire. The painting is signed and dated 1846.
There is reason to believe it may once have belonged to the 8th Earl of Essex and was disposed of in 1927 when Cassiobury House, Watford, Essex was demolished.

The image here has been digitally recovered from a low resolution snapshot, looking up at the picture on the wall.

PROVENANCE: Private Collector