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From John Selvey: about the Selvey Trophy
Editorial note:
I met John Selvey a few years ago, quite by accident, in Southern California where we had both turned out to watch the Cup Final at the British and Dominion Social Club. Imagine our surprise to discover we both went to Central School!

I recently noticed the name of a Mr. A. Selvey as Chairman of the newly formed Centaurian Society and saw there used to be a Selvey Cup. So I asked John about the connection.

John writes:

Email: August 29th, 2007

Indeed, my father was extremely active and involved with PTA and all functions of the school. He admired Boss Swaine very much. I had completely forgotten about the trophy and its being named in his honor. My father ran for City Councilor in the Pear Tree district three times being successful on the third occasion in upsetting the Labour candidate who had held the seat for eons. He and Ian Hogben's mother were instrumental changing the political face of that area during the late 1940's.

I will be most pleased to scrape the old memory plates if there's anything you need to know.