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Central School Memories from
Derby Evening Telegraph Bygones

Over the years the Derby Evening Telegraph has carried a section devoted to past glories and memories of its readers under the title Bygones, or Bygone Derbyshire. Below, we reproduce as many of these articles as  we could find relating the Derby Central School and its Old Boys.

A nostalgic ramble through Darley Park Barry Muir
Living in fear of Miss Ferguson By Peter Chambers
School beats staff at Football - 1947 With action picture!
Walter Hughes' Biography Book describes his time at Central School
Bernard Golding Blasted by Jerry's bombs
Unknown Centaur On his Grand dad's diaries
Derick Perry Restored Austin Berkeley
Les Wormsley Responded to Bernard
The Great Freeze of 1946-47 Arnie Parr recalls sledging. By John Garrett.
Internet home for Old Centaurs Article about this website
Memories from Ron Cook A series of four articles
Ron's actual letter to the DET About gym mats!
Patrick Morley The best days of our lives
Clive Bellamy The great divide in the old school
John Dennet Dapper Dickie, and wider recollections of Abbey Street days
Francis Fearn Central shield winners
Reunion of 1939-ers Reunion of old boys from 1939
Albert Brown Hero of river rescue left his gas mask
Peter Saunders The luckiest lads in Derby
Derek Jones Spud Room and Stable
Ron Adamson That song in full
David Baker Unfortunate start to my school days
Dave Thomson Remembers days at Darley
Anybody have any more?