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by Michael Buss

These pages have only been made possible by literally scores of Old Boys and friends who have an extraordinary affection for a school which in its day was considered inferior to the town grammar schools. Yet it also gave educational birth to men who have circled the globe with their vision and talent and bound them together with an unmatched emotional attachment to the place that give them such identity.

From the stark inner city brick pile of Abbey Street School to the 'temporary' wartime expedient of an old Georgian manor house with its fond, ivy-clad walls come the legends of masters whose cruelty was unmitigated whilst others won our admiration for a lifetime with their love of learning, school, and the boys they taught.

Herein are but fragments - but fragments that evoke in us waves of nostalgia so intangible that we can scarcely pen the words of description.

Please continue to send your photos and memories. Dig out those old school magazines, run them through a photocopier or scanner and send them to me so we can all share our heritage.

You'll soon discover their is a wealth of work yet to be done. Biographies need to be written - properly. History needs to be pieced together before there are too few of us even to remember. And I am more than happy to share this task with any Old Centaurs who want to to the take even a small portion and turn it into finished work.

This site, sacred to our shared memories, will continue to grow. Please, come back often.

Celer et Certus.

Michael Buss

UPDATE: May 2018
A nunber of years ago I let the site at lapse because it was costing me too much in time and money. It was an uneasy decision. Then, very recently, an email from the son of Old Centaur Peter Elkes, plus the discovery of more Central school material now online impelled me to put the site up again - albeit as a subdomain of my own. I will need to revamp some of it as I discover broken links. I hope this will be worthwhile.