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From Ged Saunders ...  
July, 2006
How wonderful to see a website devoted to my old school. Yes, I am the one and only Gerald Saunders. I had forgotten my nickname until I saw it on your site. I don't have the sticking out bone anymore; it just disappeared within the shoulder bone. It is sad to see that four of our old classmates are not with us anymore.

I am retired now and living in Worksop (North Notts). If you are interested I can detail my working life although it is not as illustrious as some! Having moved several times I don't have much memorabilia from my school days although I do have some old reports and a whole school photo dated Summer 1958, my last year there. I can scan the latter in two parts and send them to you if you like.

All the best,


Later, sad news and a new school photograph

July, 2006

Hello again Michael,

Sorry I have not been in touch lately, but my wife has been seriously ill and passed away last Saturday. I haven't got round to listing my CV yet, but I did find a school photograph of Form 2A from 1955. I know you weren't in that stream because you were much cleverer!! I have not attempted to remove any of the scratches on this photo but can have a go if you wish.

I don't remember many of the names but I think the ones I know are as follows: -

Back row - 2nd from left : Philip Norman

2nd from right : Brian Wells

Extreme right : Philip N Brimblecombe

Middle row - 3rd from left : Me!!

6th from left : David A Jackson

Bottom row - 'Pop' Hanson (of course!)

By the way, I had forgotten that you, too, were at Ashgate School on Ashbourne Road with Messrs Blood, Savage and Smith. I can't remember any more of them! It must be my age!



This picture is now in the Picture Library/Formal groups