Buss, Maria E. Literary Work. Contains most of the poetry written by Maria, wife of Septimus, both handwritten and printed versions. The volume is well annotated by her son, Francis Fleetwood Buss, and contains some good biographical material. There are good quality old photographs of various family members - all of which will be reproduced on this website. Maria's funeral notices and obituaries conclude the book.
Buss, Henry. Eighty Years Experience of Life. Privately published in 1894. A delighful if somewhat pretentious autobiography by the brother of Robert William.
Buss, Robert William. English Graphic Satire. Privately published, 1894. Inscribed "To my dear son Octavius, Feb 1987", shortly before his death. This is a scholarly and substantial work - a "contribution to the history of the English School of Art" with numerous illustrations selected and drawn from originals by Robert William Buss, Painter, Designer and Etcher." Dedicated to his daughter, Frances Mary Buss.
Buss, Septimus. Account of his life and work at Shoreditch Parich Church. This is ledger-style, manuscript volume written almost entirely by Septimus. Contains minute details of his times at Shoreditch right down to the offertory amounts! Biographical material, sketches, heraldic drawings, press cuttings. Volume somewhat damaged by dampness and age.
Buss, Septimus. Holiday Journeys. Manuscript journal of all his vacations over many years. Replete with sketches, press cuttings, a pressed Eidelweiss, and an account of his meeting the Pope. Binding now very poor, but contents priceless. At the back is another long section of family history written in the hand of Septimus' son, Francis, for his own daughter - another Frances Mary Buss. This contains material additional to Frank's own book started in 1937.
Halbert. The World Book of Busses. Halbert's Family Heritage, 1991. A commercial genealogical booklet with a few interesting specifics about Buss origins, and including lists of Buss names culled from telephone directories around the world.
Dexter, Walter and Ley J W T. The Origin of the Pickwick. Chapman and Hall, 1936. Deals faithfully with the way R W Buss was treated over his commision to illustrate for Dickens.
Dickens, Charles. The Pickwick Papers. Macmillan and Co, 1892. A reprint of the first edition, with the illustrations by Buss, and valuable introduction about the controversy.
Marryat, Captain. Jacob Faithful, in two volumes. Constable & Co. Ltd. 1928. With twelve colour plates by R W Buss.
Marryat, Captain. Peter Simple, in two volumes. Constable & Co. Ltd. 1929. With twenty-one collotype plates of etchings and drawings by R W Buss.
Ridley, Annie E. Frances Mary Buss and her work for education. Longmans, Green, & Co, 1895. The life and work of this educational pioneer.