The School Tie

School Uniform

In the 1950s you could win your school colours at various sports - though I particularly remember gymnastics and athletics. The "colours" were hemmed swatches of material corresponding to the colours in the tie. (I think green was omitted.) Deserving boys received their colours with great pride during assembly. Of course, mum had to be good with a needle to sew them on your gym shorts.

Blazers were dark blue, trimmed with flat gold braid. The heavily embroidered Centaur badge (a larger version of the Centaur on the tie, below) had to be sewn on the breast pocket. In the forms 1 and 2 you could only wear gray flannel shorts to school - regardless of the weather. But in the third year you "fell" into long gray trousers - a considerable mark of maturity! Shirts were always to be gray.

This is over 50 years old!

Details of the weave

Go to the Central School Virtual Museum

Here's where we bought our uniforms!

Latest tie pictures from Arthur. He obviously either never wore it, or didn't use it to clean his shoes, or strangle boys from the Athenians! Mine looks like I did all those things! - Ed.

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