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School Information - c1937
We are indebted to J Richard Poyser - to whom this was provided when he passed his scholarship for admission to the school in 1937. The document was in very poor condition so he re-typed its entire contents. This contains some fascinating insights: the masters were very well educated, the school offered classes in music, there was already an Old Boys Association, and milk was available for 2 1/2d per week!


Headmaster - Mr. H. Hainsworth,  B.Sc.

Mr. T. Allen. A.F.T. Com.
Mr. C.W. Astle B.A. (London)  Hons.  English
Mr. J.B. Bryden Physical  Training
Mr. H.A.E lsey M.R.S.T
Mr. A.L. Harris B.Sc. (Birmingham) Hons.  Physics
Mr. S. Levy B.A. (Leeds) Hons. French. Diploma French  Language & Literature (Caen)
Mr. V.A. Morris  M.Sc. (Manchester). A.I.C. Hons. Chemistry
Mr. E.W. Prior B.A. (Wales) Hons.  French
Mr. W. Pritchard B.A. (London) Hons. Mathematics.
Mr. H.L. Robson Hons. City & Guilds London  Woodwork & Metalwork
Mr. S. Trethewey B.A. (London). Hons. English
Mr. G.M. Weston M.A. (Oxon) Hons.  History
Mr. J. Westwood B.Sc. (Birmingham). Hons.  Chemistry
Miss  E.E. Wood  B.A. (London) Hons. French; L.L.A Higher Diploma French Language (Lille)
Mr. A. Ridgewell B.Sc. (London) Hons.  Geography
Mr. J.A. Hawksby  

From  8.50 a.m. to  12.30 p.m. and from 1.55 p.m. to 4.0  p.m.  In every case of absence a written explanation is required.

HOMEWORK A reasonable amount of homework (not exceeding one hour per night) is expected
DRESS All boys are required to wear the School Cap .Gym. Shoes or plimsolls, and belts are necessary  for use in  School.
BOOKS Stationery, and Apparatus are supplied by the Education Committee, but parents are asked to provide Bible, Hymn book, Dictionary, Atlas and such small items as pens, pencils, brushes etc.
REPORTS These are sent in sealed envelopes to parents at the end of each term.
A SCHOOL MAGAZINE The  Centaur is issued each term. Price 3d
MEALS Facilities are provided to enable boys to have hot meals at mid-day and Milk is served each morning at a charge of 2 1/2d per week
SOCIETIES. ETC There are numerous School Societies and Sports Clubs in the School ,and parents are asked to co-operate, by encouraging their boys to support these .Violin, Banjo and Mandolin Classes are held.
ALL COATS, CAPS, SHOES , etc. must be distinctly marked with the owner's name, and parents are specially requested to see that is done, and that a padlock is provided for the boy's School Desk. The School accepts no responsibility for loss or damage.
SCHOOL FUND To provide prizes for Good Work, for success in Swimming, Athletics etc. to pay part of the cost of the magazine and to cover the cost of various School  Activities, a School Fund has been established &  it is hoped that the parents will as far as possible assist this fund by allowing the boys to contribute 1 1/2d per week.
OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION The Secretary of the O.B.A. (Mr. C. Astle, c/o Central School, Abbey Street) will be pleased to supply information respecting the Association to any Old Boy.
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