sources are the writings
of R.W. Buss, which I possess (both handwritten and printed
sources); a book by his brother Dr. Henry Buss,
"Eighty Years Experience of Life", voluminous
notes, diaries and journals by his family, numerous press
cuttings and a number of secondary sources which discuss,
in particular, the now infamous Pickwick affair. To get
this in perspective, Robert William Buss is my great,
great Grandfather.
He is the three greats Grandfather of Alison and
Jonathan and the four greats Grandfather of Gemma and Stephen, who
are now 8 and 5 years old. Kids - be impressed! The youngest Busses are
Jessica and Suzanne (below).
Of course, R.W. Buss is not the oldest Buss ancestor of
whom we have information for Dr. Henry Buss opens his own
book with all that he knew about R.W.'s father, William
Church Buss, and his grandfather, Robert Buss. But Robert
will probably be the limit of our knowledge until such
time as we manage to forge other links to other Busses
who have cross-over or supplementary information.
Left, Suzanne Buss -
the youngest Buss we know of. She is also
pictured with her older sister, Jessica, below. These
are the daughters of Richard Buss and Carole Daughtery and
live in Romsey, Hampshire, England.
