The School Song
Words by Cedric Astle
merry Old Centaur lived in a cave
In the days of long ago
And he taught in a school for the sons of the brave
Where they learned all they had to know.
And when lessons were done
He would join in the fun
And wrestle and shoot and swim.
He'd a hoof like a horse and they knew it of course
If they tried any tricks on him.
Come along Centaurs shout for the School
And keep its colours flying.
Hoof to the ball and head kept cool
When the game is hot and trying.
Let us work and play and swim and sing
For we don't want to grow one-sided.
And the boys who still to the Old School cling
Will never be divided.
Music supplied by Arthur Redsell and Rolls Royce colleague Terry
Quinn, who recorded this
specially for us.
Many thanks!
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