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The School Camp at Abergele, 1945

Reproduced from a duplicated letter preserved by Barry Muir. He went to this camp but remembers very little about it. The minute detail of the letter makes one smile. I can see the Boss sitting there for an hour typing this up - though his secretary probably did it. The impact of rationing must have been quite a problem to negotiate.

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CAMP ADDRESS: Howison’s Holiday Camp, Towyn, Abergele, North Wales.

TELEPHONE: Abergele 25 (N.B. To be used in case of emergency only.)

RATION BOOKS: Every boy is to bring his ration book to school on MONDAY, 9 JULY, 1945. 

Any “deposited” pages are to be reclaimed from the retailers, and pinned securely into the ration book.

The coupons for the week beginning Sunday, 8th July and also for the week beginning Sunday 15th July, 1945 must NOT be cancelled. There must be seven "points" coupons available. 

The boys will be paired off. In each pair, boy “A” will have two weeks’ coupons cancelled.   He will bring with his ration book ninepence.   Boy "B" will have one week's coupons cancelled – the rations for the week beginning Sunday, 8 July should be drawn at home by boy "b". He brings with his ration book the following articles - half a week's rations:

Butter: 1oz., margarine: 2oz., lard, ½oz., sugar, 4oz., tea, 1oz., bacon: 1½ozs., cheese: 1½ozs. These should be well wrapped. He will hand these in to his “A” partner, and will receive in exchange the ninepence.

By this arrangement, every boy will in effect give up for the ten days at camp one-and-a-half week’s rations.

Eggs should be drawn at home, as usual, and each boy should take his own jam (securely wrapped up) to camp.

CAMP CLOTHING: “Best” clothes should definitely not be taken to camp. The most suitable attire is shirt and shorts, or something equally simple. Every article of clothing and any blankets, etc. should be plainly and indelibly marked with the owner’s name.

LUGGAGE: The following articles should be packed in a suitcase, kitbag, or similar container, with two labels bearing the owner’s name and the camp address outside the case, and another similar label inside, at the top:

(a)            Complete change of underclothing;

(b)            Spare stockings, collars, handkerchiefs, etc.

(c)            Spare shirts or trousers

(d)            Jersey, or pullover, or lumber-jacket, or similar garment;

(e)            Pyjamas or other night attire; two blankets (if room);

(f)            Gym. Shoes or sandals, or spare shoes of some other kind;

(g)            Soap, towel, face-cloth, nail-brush, hair-brush and comb; tooth brush and paste, shoe-cleaning requisites, needles, sewing-cotton, mending-wool and buttons;

(h)            Bathing-trunks or swimming-costume;

(i)            A pencil, and five stamped postcards addressed to your parents at home; (N.B. The first is to be posted in the box just outside the camp, immediately on your arrival at Abergele.)

(j)            A mouth-organ, or ‘tin whistle’, or similar instrument musical (?) instrument (if you can get one);

(k)            A book to read if the weather is bad;

(l)            Any indoor game which you may have promised to take with you; (N.B. Playing cards must not be taken.)

(m)            Three labels bearing your name and home address, ready for the return journey;

(n)            A complete list on a postcard, of everything in your case, so that you can check your things when you pack for home.

LUGGAGE IN ADVANCE: All luggage is being sent in advance. It must be taken to Abbey Street School at 9.0 a.m. on TUESDAY, 10 JULY, 1945, and left with Mr. Morris. Boys who should attend at Darley Park that day, are to leave their luggage at Abbey Street and then go on to Darley Park where they will be expected to arrive not later than 9.45 a.m.

JOURNEY TO CAMP: Before the date of going to camp, boys will be divided into Groups of eight, each with a Leader and a Second. Every Group will have a distinctive number. Each Leader will have a register of his Group, so that he can check their presence when necessary. On railway platforms, etc. each Group will form a single file behind its Leader, and the Groups will arrange themselves in numerical order – 1, 2, 3, etc. – side by side.

Several Groups will form a Section, and each Section will be under the care of a member of the staff, who will keep in touch with the Leaders of his Group                           PTO


Every boy should have with him for the journey the following articles:

(a)            Raincoat

(b)            School cap (with the owner’s name inside); (The only exception to this requirement is that boys leaving school this term, if they do possess a cap, need not buy one. All other boys must wear their proper cap.)

(c)            Two packed meals for the journey, with fruit or something to drink; (N.B. Please take special care to leave no litter – bottles, paper, etc. – about stations, trains, streets, camp, or anywhere else.)

(d)            Reading matter for the journey; suitcase key (if any)

(e)            Personal points coupons, or the sweets ration for the period of the camp;

(f)            Two blankets (if they have not been sent in your luggage), properly parcelled up and labelled.

Leaders are to meet at the Midland Hotel end of the verandah outside the front of the Midland railway station at 1.15 p.m. on THURSDAY, 12 JULY, 1945. From there they will be taken to their assembly positions.

All other boys are to meet at the Midland Hotel end of the verandah outside the front of the Midland railway station not later than 1.30 p.m. on THURSDAY, 12 JULY, 1945. Immediately on arrival, every boy is to report to his Leader, and must then stay with his Group. There is to be no rushing about and no undue noise.

Each Group will eventually get into the train as and when directed by the staff. In the train each Group will keep together, and everybody must stay in his own compartment.

So far as present information goes, we shall change at Crewe on the outward journey, but not change at all on the return journey.

If by any chance you lose the rest of the party, and are left behind somewhere, go to the station-master, ask him to telegraph along the line so that I may learn of your whereabouts, and to put you on the next train to continue your journey. Tell him that I have the tickets and that if he wishes he can confirm your identity by telephoning Derby Midland Station.

RETURN TO DERBY: Derby should be reached at 5.30 p.m. on SATURDAY, 21 JULY, 1945. Your luggage will have been sent home the day before, and you will have to collect it on your arrival at Derby. If you cannot carry your luggage, therefore, somebody should meet you.

ILLNESS OR ACCIDENT: The slightest illness or accident or mishap or damage or trouble of any kind must be reported to a member of the staff immediately.

POCKET MONEY: Out of the five shillings pocket-money included in the camp charge, each boy may draw sixpence a day. Payments may be “saved up”, but no payments will be made in advance. If boys wish to take additional pocket-money to camp, they may do so, and may pay it into the camp bank, and withdraw it as they like; But parents are asked not to allow their boys to take excessively large amounts, partly because it is not good for them, and partly because it makes poorer boys unhappy and discontented. It is hoped that boys will have enough sense not to waste their time and money in amusement arcades and similar places.

SPECIAL RULES: No boy is to go swimming or boating without the permission and presence of the master on duty.

No boy is to be absent from any meal in camp without the permission of the master on duty for that day, recorded in the camp log book. Lateness for meals will mean extra orderly duties.

No boy is to leave camp until the general dismissal for that morning, afternoon or evening has been announced.

No boy is to leave camp at all after supper.

No boy is to enter any hut or tent except his own.

No boy is to interfere with any other boy’s luggage, clothing, bed, or other property.

Every boy will go to bed at 9.30 p.m., and there must be no sound from 10.0 p.m. to 7.0 a.m. Orderlies get up at 7.0 a.m., and other boys at 7.30 a.m.

LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND – except your thanks, and many happy memories!