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Central Shield Winners

Francis Emil Fearn, of Keswick Avenue, Sunny Hill, Derby, comments: “As Derby’s Central School seems to be in the nostalgic news lately, I enclose a 1930 photograph depicting the team that won the town’s Chamber’s Shield.

“I can remember most of the names, though not in the order on the photograph: Dalton, Cooper, Rowley, myself, Henson, Milner, Beenham, Prince, South. The final was played on the Derbyshire County Cricket Ground.

“I was sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Elsey. He must have been an old boy of the school, along with Mr. Astle and Mr. Pritchard. He played football for the Central School Old Boys contemporaneously with me and was a nice man.”

Derby Evening Telegraph, September 26th, 1990