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Boys of ’39 gather for school reunion 

More than 30 former pupils of a Derby School were reunited after 60 years following a search by one of their classmates.

Alan Hawkes (71) spent the last eight months trying to trace the friends who joined Derby Central School with him in September, 1939. He enlisted the help of Derby Evening Telegraph Bygones supplement and the increasing number of old school friends who began to get in touch.

The group met up earlier this week for a reunion at the tea rooms, in Darley Park – near to the site of the former school – where they enjoyed a buffet meal.

Mr. Hawkes, who now lives in Bath, says that Old Centaurs – the nickname given to old pupils – travelled from as far afield as Lancashire and Somerset to be there. He said: “We all had a pleasant and a nostalgic evening.”

A CLASS ACT: Old Boys from Derby Central School at their reunion in Darley Park, Derby.

Derby Evening Telegraph, April 7th, 2000