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Patrick Morley with two questions

August, 2007

Two questions (forgive me if I repeat myself. Passage of time you know....)

1. Did you ever get any comments on my school plan? I'd be surprised if someone didn't come up with a better one.

2. Do we know what happened to my favourite teacher, Miss Hepworth? Was she there in your day? And are any group photos which include her?

REPLY: Barry Muir writes - Aug 21st, 2007 -

Miss Hepworth went to Bemrose School and articles have appeared in Bygones, in the past, relating to her time there and also from a family member talking about her life. I don't feel that she stayed at our School for all that long but she was there when we started but left, I would say, within 12 months.

TWO DAYS LATER -- More information on Miss Hepworth. Barry says: "Someone, in an earlier article had mentioned 'we were all wowed by the beauteous Miss Hepworth'. I always thought her a bit 'tweedy' but a nice woman."

Here's the page, Patrick!