Derby Central School Choir of 1948  [Back to previous page]
Updated: Saturday August 04, 2007

This special “Telegraph” picture of the choir at Derby Central School with Norman Allin (left) ,
the well-known bass, was taken at Central Hall, Derby, where they took part in a concert on Wednesday.
Harold Simpson is far right. (DET Friday March 12th, 1948)

Thanks to Brian Skeldon who was reminded of this picture when he read Colin Beniston's reference to
the School Choir and Harold Simpson.
July 20th 2005, and Neville Foster saw this picture!
He writes:

How interesting to see the 1948 picture of the school choir. Perhaps I can add a little to this and clear up a point for Colin Beniston.

I was a member of the choir and we rehearsed in the stable both during school hours and after hours (voluntary detention ugh!). The goal, especially for Harold and "Eric" was to win the renowned Ann (spelling?) Cup. It was an open competition for all Derby schools and apparently the two Masters were sure we could win.

The outcome of course, was that we did indeed win, and as Colin said this led to us singing in concert with Norman Allin.

As to the record we made. It was not a 7" E.P., but an old fashioned 78 and I am almost certain that there was only the one. It was made at Simpsons (oddly enough) music store on the Spot. They sold all things musical and had their own recording studio. I am pretty sure that on one side we sang Linden Lea and on the other it may have been the dreaded Nymphs and Shepherds. Each member of the choir was allowed to borrow the record for one night only with the proviso that it be played only with a fibre needle. I would imagine that it finished up in Harold's possession.

The competition, concert and recording all took place in fairly short order, probably before the 1948 summer hols.

Finally, in looking at the picture I am amazed at how many of us there were and how few I recognise now.